about me
Hi there, I'm KC! I'm a UX Designer & Researcher with a background in Product Management, Business Operations, and Public Relations.
I have a passion for storytelling, a knack for copywriting, and a hunger to ask the important questions to drive the "why" behind my decisions. When solicited, I’ll provide thoughtful feedback that opens the table to conversation on how we as a team might be able to better ideate.
I love pinpointing problems that need to be solved so that my clients can offer the best possible customer experience. Because at the end of the day, well-designed human-centered products are what I'm here for.
fun facts
I’ve lived California, Massachusetts, Arkansas, and Texas. I’m a hot sauce enthusiast, golfer, and avid crafter. I love baking, surfing, and quoting movies incessantly. I also go by “Auntie KC” by nine nieces and nephews, all of whom are under the age of eight.
I wireframe…
I manage…
I needlepoint…
I paint…
I crochet in the winter…
I nurture…
I appreciate my friends…
and I always celebrate with gusto!